
Written by Paul Brian

Many lovely people have a big trait in common: 

They’re humble!

They don’t think they’re the bee’s knees, or even all that remarkable at all. But they are. 

Are you one of these wonderful people who doesn’t quite realize just how wonderful you are?

Let’s delve into the top behaviors of people with wonderful personalities, behaviors that you already possess and can further develop to enhance your charm and magnetism.

1)  You truly care

You genuinely care for others, demonstrating empathy in a world often marked by selfishness.

It’s not that you’re trying to prove anything or get brownie points at all. It’s just who you are. 

You let your sincerity shine through, making you stand out in a sea of indifference, and people notice and value that about you.

“Empathy is a complex capability enabling individuals to understand and feel the emotional states of others, resulting in compassionate behavior. 

Empathy requires cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and moral capacities to understand and respond to the suffering of others.”


2) You’re empathetic at a deep level

You continuously cultivate your intuitive understanding of others feeling and it’s the way you’ve always been. 

As far as you know there’s nothing special at all about this:

It’s just a natural way to be that you care about what other people are going through and want to offer them understanding and fellowship. 

You can also tell when a person needs you to draw away a bit instead of getting closer, giving them space and time to themselves to work through some issues. 

3) You hear people out without judging


You’re more than just a “good listener,” you’re a great listener who values what other people say to you and is able to hear it without jumping to conclusions. 

You don’t always have the answers, but you do have the time to be there for those you care about. 

Your exceptional listening skills already make you a great friend and partner. 

You don’t just hear words, but understand underlying emotions and unspoken messages, a quality others admire in you.

“Non-judgemental listening is about giving the speaker an opportunity to talk through their problems, it is not about telling them what to do or what not to do,” points out Lucy Oakes.

“Allow them the chance to work through the problem themselves in an accepting environment.”

4) You bring humor even to hard situations

Your gift for humor brightens any room with well-timed jokes and witty observations. 

You’re far from the class clown, but you do make an effort to brighten up your environment and to be a ray of sunshine for those going through a hard time. 

Psychology notes the many ways in which laughing is good for us and how laughter between friends creates bonding and commonality: this is something you bring to the table. 

You effortlessly bring Joy and lighteness to those around you, a trait that defines your personality.

5) Infectiously enthusiastic


Your genuine enthusiasm for life is contagious and you bring this to those around you every day. 

You have “off days” of course. Your temper flares up, maybe you get very down sometimes. 

But your main setting is one of “let’s do this!”

To you it’s normal: isn’t everybody like this? They are not!

You infuse energy into any situation, inspiring others to embrace life with vigor, a quality that draws people naturally.

6) You have your own unique style

You already exude charisma with your unique flair and panache. 

You’re not beholden to any particular trend or zeitgeist, but you are dedicated to your own unique style and expressing yourself through the way you dress, act and comport yourself. 

Your mannerisms, fashion sense, and lifestyle choices add vibrancy to your surroundings, making you truly memorable to those around you.


As style consultant Sofiya Levina explains, her method for developing a personal style is based on psychologist, Carl Jung's 22 main archetype.  

“Carl Jung introduced 12 archetypes or identities that are defined as universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious. In simple terms, an archetype is a role that you play in your life. 

Each archetype corresponds to a certain stylistic image, with the help of which, you make it clear to those around you who you are.”

 7) Compelling storyteller and entertainer

You captivate others with your knack for storytelling and your anecdotes that you bring up easily during conversations. 

People are entranced by the way you bring humor and small details into what you say and tell stories that really make them feel like they’re living through the experience. 

Your tales leave listeners wanting more, making you a popular and sought-after individual.

They want to know what happens next! What else happened? 

8) You build bridges instead of burning them

You naturally bring people together, and it’s how you’ve always been. 

You’d rather cooperate than fight, and you like to help other people see the same perspective about working together. 

Your open-mindedness and acceptance create spaces where everyone feels respected and welcomed, fostering unity in a world full of division and polarization. 

“Building relationships is key to communicating across differences. We humans are wired for social connection. 

Strengthening our social intelligence and interpersonal skills is integral to moving toward mutual understanding,” 

 9) Direct without being harsh or cruel

Your authenticity is an attractive quality and you don’t censor yourself or hold back. 

You tell the truth even when it’s unpleasant or not particularly politically correct. 

You’re not out for shock value or to offend anyone, nor do you enjoy being cruel or salacious: but you will say what you think and do so in no uncertain terms whether or not most people agree.  


You speak your mind respectfully, earning respect and admiration for your honesty and straightforwardness, including even from those who honestly disagree with you or believe some of your views may be incorrect. 

10) Strong work ethic and confidence

You approach life with confidence and work hard to achieve your goals. 

You inspire others to do the same, raising the bar for everyone around you with your determination.

You work hard and play hard, and the way you tackle every project with all of your energy and enthusiasm really gets other people rallying around you as well. 

You’re gifted at clarifying and upholding a mission for folks so that they can see the big picture vision and join in with a sense of belonging and solidarity as well. 

11) Respectful and reciprocal

Treating others with dignity and respect is second nature to you. 

You give respect and you expect the same in return. 

Your sincerity and honesty form meaningful connections that deepen over time, but it’s something that’s always just been the way you roll. 

Your friendships, romances and even work relationships are all based on real respect and reciprocity.

“Respect is recognizing someone else’s humanity or personhood. It is seeking to listen to and understand the other person. It is ensuring one does not see other people as mere means to an end.”

12) You help others navigate transition and change

You embrace life’s inevitable changes with resilience and grace, but it’s not just about you:

You also love to help others find their way through life’s twists and turns as well. Having gone through many ups and downs yourself, you don’t judge people by the struggles they’re going through:


Instead, you seek to serve as a source of stability and support for those around you during times of transition.

And in the process your own self-awareness and internal self-love also increases.


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